Our mission

We believe our first responsibility is to our clients -individuals or businesses who use our services and look up to us for effective and efficient legal solutions.
Our mission is to reduce legal issues through delivery of quality and practical legal solutions.
We aim to continue to improve accessibility to legal services.


We are responsible to our employees, the men and women who work with us throughout New Zealand and the world as we expand. Everyone must be considered as an individual. We must respect their dignity and recognize their merits. They must have a sense of security in their jobs.

Compensation must be fair and adequate, and working conditions clean, orderly and safe. We must be mindful of ways to help our employees fulfill their family responsibilities. Employees must feel free to make suggestions and complaints. There must be equal opportunity for employment, development and advancement for those qualified.

We must provide competent management, and our actions must be just and ethical. Our management must see not only the merits in the people that we employ but the underlying potentials with the individual persons. Our very own employment practices must be on the cutting edge of disruptive innovative employment practice of our contemporary times.


We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community at large. We must be good citizens – support good works and charities and bear our fair share of taxes. We must encourage employment practice improvements and offer better and affordable education for our own employees. We must maintain in good order the property we are privileged to use, protecting the environment and natural resources. We must invest reasonable amount of money and time for self-directed research by our employees. We must above all, be the pace setters in working collaboratively with the Employment Court, Employment Authority and other companies big or small. Our integrity should be a national smile from the bottom to the top of the Island and ultimately across to other countries.

As an employment station we are determined to be the very best in our business regardless of the size, pedigree or inclinations of our competitors. We will continue to bring our Employment Station nuances of style and approaches to deliverance of employment practices which are consistent with the evolving employment requirements.

Above all, we expect to be a credit to the communities we serve, a valuable resource to our customers, and a place where our own dedicated employees can grow and prosper. Toward this end we will not only listen to our own employees and customers but embrace the idea that the Company is at their service.

Our final responsibility is to our shareholders. Business must make a sound profit. We must experiment with new ideas. Research must be carried on collaboratively with the universities, innovative programmes developed and mistakes recognised in good faith. New equipment must be purchased, new facilities provided and employee achievements must be celebrated. Reserves must be created to provide for adverse times. When we operate according to these principles, the shareholders should realize a fair return. We must thrive to show light in darkness in good times and in bad times.